Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Getting Anxious

I've been anxious the past few days... and I can't seem to narrow it down to a specific reason.
A lot of possible reasons...  and maybe drinking more coffee would help me out.

Maybe, I am just way too excited to see hubby again. He's coming in 3 days and we miss him so much. Although it's a quick visit (like, literally just a week and some days), I know father & daughter will bond like crazy. And the bonding moment is making me anxious because they're driving away without me for 2 days.

Maybe, it's because Khloe will be going with her dad for a long drive to see her Tita Yolly & Tito Danny in North Carolina without me. Although they're travelling with my sis, bro-in-law, and her cousins, I still can't get over the fact that she'll be travelling without me. I won't be able to join them until the 3rd day and I'm getting agitated. Atleast my sisters would be there... and I know they would be able to help hubby take care of her.

Maybe, it's because I'll be crossing the border as I fly to Myrtle Beach to join the family. Border-crossing has and always will be a HUGE factor for me to start an anxiety attack. I have enough share of border-crossing stress that facing another one is giving me frantic nerves. I'm hoping this one will go smoothly. Cross-fingers.

Maybe, it's because I am so excited to spend time with my family -- to bond with Ate Yolly again, spend quality time with hubby as we enjoy the beach and the sun, at the same time, with Khloe enjoying her cousins company in a different environment -- vacation mode.

Maybe, I am just stressing myself out for Khloe's birthday because of such a short time (hours?) between getting back home from vacation to her birthday party. I know I tried my best to prepare it in the smoothest way possible, but I always expect glitches here and there. I am just hoping I won't be too tired to fix the glitches and the kids will just have fun on the party.

And lastly, maybe because ..... I simply just wanna do something but can't seem to figure out what.


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